Thursday, April 29, 2010

African Independence

The most significant reason for why Africa changed so much in the 20 year period between 1955 to 1975 was because most countries had gained independence. In the year 1955, the only African countries that had already gained their independence were Ethiopia, Libya, Egypt, and the Union of South Africa. African countries did not want to be under the colonization of Great Britain after World War II, but imperialists weren't making it easy for them since did things like divided up the continent and stolen their valuable resources. With the help of a few good leaders, many African countries finally became independent. After the year 1975, most African countries were independent.

One of the first countries to finally gain their independence from the British was Ghana. Their leader for independence was Kwame Nkrumah. After World War II, the British started allowing more Africans to be nominated to be on the Legislative Council. The thing was that Africans didn't only want to be nominated, but they wanted to be elected representatives. This was when Kwame Nkrumah came in and led the nonviolent protests against the British. He had many strikes and boycotts and even though he was imprisoned frequently by the British, he still led Ghana to their independence.

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